KINI Soccer Challenge (Ages 9-13)
KINI Robot
Mobile Device
Masking/Painter’s Tape
Household Objects
Recycling (Cans, Boxes, Etc.)
Build a soccer net using objects found in your house
Help KINI push the ball and score a goal using your knowledge of Blockly, Sequential Events, and Outcomes.
Code: A set of instructions for a computer.
Sequence: An ordered set of steps; computers need instructions with the correct sequence to perform a task.
Sequential Events: Actions that happen one at a time. The actions happen in order, one after another.
Outcome: The result of a code. For example, the outcome is the movement of KINI.
The Challenge
Using materials that you can find in your house, set up a soccer net for KINI. With your parent’s permission, use tape, cups, chairs, recycled materials (like cans or boxes), or whatever two objects you can find to create the posts of the net. Make sure that there is lots of open space around the net that you make.
Once you have set up your net, use a ruler to measure the area around it. You write a list of these dimensions, or even try drawing the “field” with the dimensions on it. You will use these dimensions to help plan out KINI’s movements.
Next, using Blockly on the KINI App, create a sequence that instructs KINI to dribble the ball and score a goal. Make use of the dimensions from the previous step when you are deciding how far KINI should move. You will probably have to test this code out a few times to get it right.
To challenge yourself, you could try setting up obstacles for KINI to weave through, an object for a “goalie,” and/or objects for defence. If you have multiple KINIs, you can even get them to pass the ball!
Use your knowledge of sequential events to get the desired outcome -- a goal!
What worked well and what didn’t? Were there any unexpected challenges?
What method worked best to complete the challenge?
Did you get the desired outcome? How did you get KINI to score a goal?
What would you change next time?